The Painting – an imaginary conversation

“The Painting” is a short film, created in response to work by the artist Nicola Durvasula. It will form a part of her new exhibition, PANG, at Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke in New Delhi, India, from March 22 until May 17, 2025. Whether the Voiceover represents one arguing consciousness or two, or none, is a matter for the viewer to decide.

Narration: Will Eaves. Painting: Nicola Durvasula.

Carillon – for organ

This is a Sibelius digital file of a piece written in 1991 (and revised in 2023) for the Marstal Church Organ, built by Frobenius & Sons, on the island of Ærø in Denmark. As Kate Bush once said of The Dreaming, play it loud. The score will be published in The Point of Distraction (TLS Books) later this year together with a suite for piano (Four Diptychs), played by Richard Uttley.

Ariel in Texas

A devil, an eddy, an air ambulance:
I wish I were any of these things
and not the sort to raze where I have been.
Last night? Where was I last night?
Turning the bridge into a whisked piano,
making killer passes at cattle. The limit

What would I not give to put things back,
spin blindfolds out of thunderheads.
No one, then, would look on my lowing
except as necessary grief, the wind
in wrangled spars astride the Brazos
and the buzz of telegraph wires.

First published in Sound Houses, Carcanet, 2011.